i prigionieri dello zar

As a researcher of the relationship between history and photography, Marina Rossi has edited three photographic exhibitions held in Trieste: la Russia prerivoluzionaria (1986); Triestini al fronte orientale (1987);
Dalla Galizia alla Siberia: esperienze e testimonianze delle genti del Litorale. The three exhibitions were promoted by the Associazione Italia-URSS of Trieste and patronized by the government of the Province of Trieste. A bilingual catalogue was issued for the second and third exhibition. In 1995, Marina Rossi also conducted a photographic research of Russian archives on behalf of the third exhibition, promoted by the Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra di Rovereto. She also held a documentary and photographic research for another exhibition promoted by Istituto Storico di Novara and named L'Italia s’è desta.
Another exhibition on war propaganda is Propaganda politica e mezzi di comunicazioni di massa tra Fascismo e Democrazia: Marina Rossi edited a section about Soviet propaganda.
In ’98 and ’99 Marina Rossi also edited the Soviet section of the exhibition La rappresentazione della guerra di Spagna, promoted by Sovrintendenza alle Belle Arti and by Istituto Parri of Bologna, Italy. She also wrote an essay for the catalogue issued for this exhibition in November, 1999.